APAER (Asociación Civil de Padrinos y Escuelas Rurales) – Project Safe Water for Rural School and its Community

Location: Tres Varones, Santiago del Estero.

APAER is an association whose objective is to have pupils of public schools in rural areas of Argentina complete their primary school, preparing them for the local labour market and making it possible for them to stay in the area. In many cases these rural schools and the families of the children who attend the schools cannot meet their basic needs, such as safe drinking water.

Rural school community no. 1143 in Tres Varones, Santiago del Estero, that consists of the children who attend the school, their families and teachers, have no access to safe drinking water. This affects directly the health of all, especially the children’s. Drinking water which is not suitable for human consumption leads to diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, hepatitis, parasitism, etc.
The Argentine-Dutch Solidarity Foundation will donate 30 water filters through APAER, for the families of the school community no. 1143 in Tres Varones, Santiago del Estero.
Budget: 5000 euros (including installation, supervision and follow up by APAER)

