- Radio Colifata
- Rural School Canal del Beagle
- Casa Refugio
- Saving our Pachamama
- AANI Asociación pro Ayuda al Niño Incapacitado
- Installation of gas and heaters
- Safe electricity for the rural school Tatutí
- Donated computers and printers that were sent to Argentina to support various institutions
- Improving quality of life of young people in a situation of social vulnerability
- Equipment for the “Presidente Roca” School playground
- Young people, Citizenship and New Technologies
- The health in mothers and children
- Creciendo Juntos Convivir Foundation
- Equipmet for Hospital Pediátric Federico Falcón.
- Perforation to provide water for Workshop School that helps poor children, mothers and adolescents
- Children with multiple educational necessities
- Repair of a school classroom and room for a library
- Equipment for the New Children and Youth Home
- Chicken Farm Fundación Vida Nueva
- Reduction of acute respiratory tract infections
- Improving sanitary conditions for better health – CERES
- Wheelchairs for ALPI
- Vegetable garden for School – APAER
- Water for Escuela Nº 374 – APAER
- “Vegetable garden – Nursery” – FEDES Foundation
- Purchase of a scale for babies
- Workshop of integral capacitating in wooden works
- Yuque, a multifunctional Heater
- School Nº 101034 “Angel Vicente Peñaloza”
- Acquisition of a drill for the Workshop
- Equipment for a classroom for the ‘Story-Tellers Grandmothers’ Program
- “Taller integral Padre Mugica” Project
- Construction of a cistern and water collector system APAER
- Construction, equipment and maintenance of a child’s nursery Dental system
- Dental system – Pediatric Hospital Train “ALMA”
- Air – conditioning system – Pediatric Train “ALMA”
- Spectrophotometer – Pediatric Train “ALMA”
- Equipping the home – farm – Foundation Vida Nueva
- Promoting productive social projects SIPAM
- Day Shelter for Babies – ‘Madre Tres Veces Admirable’
- “Fundación Nueva Vida” – construction of a bathroom
- The Iruya Project, Chidren Helping Children
- Furniture Renovation for: “Pequeño Hogar N¼ 4”
- Purchase of children’s day shelter