Construction of a cistern and water collector system,
APAER Rural School N 361
Chajar Bajada, Province of Santiago del Estero.
This Foundation supports rural schools all over Argentina by providing different types of assistance (construction and refurbishment of water reservoirs, buildings, vegetable patches and greenhouses), educational training and support to productive micro-entrepreneurs.
The present school-community project intends to collaborate in the good supply of drinkable water for the rural community of Chajar Bajada through the construction of a water reservoir in the land belonging to the School.
The School 361 had a reservoir that covered the basic water necessities of the educational community and the families that live near the institution (because the same ones lack their own wells of water). But regrettably that construction has collapsed.
Therefore, it is needed to finance the construction of another reservoir with capacity of 40.000 lts to store and to conserve the water and, this way, to cover the necessities from this vital element to the local population. The pictures below can give a better idea of problematic situation that can be found in the area.
Project Director: Elisa Lopez Motto (President)
Objectives of the project: To collaborate to solve the lack of drinkable water, having in mind, always, a respect for the environment.
To protect the health and improve the life quality of the local community, reducing the possibilities to get sick.
To construct a tank to collect water from the rain and cover the old one to avoid accidents. To teach the people to maintain and clean the tank to guarantee the water quality.
Beneficiaries: 40 young-students from a rural school (ranging between 5 and 14 year old), teachers and directors from the local school, parents and neighborhood. It will be around 85 people beneficiary of this situation. All the beneficiaries live in a rural environment. The 50% are women and 50% are children.
Requirements: Financial support for the construction of water reservoirs cost ¥3884. The project requeste €2715 to SSNA. The rest of the costs will be covered by APAER Foundation.
With the generosity and commitment from Church of Our Saviour of Den Haag and the invaluable collaboration of Mr. Vicente Pastor, the first part of this project has been supported. The first part cost € 1480.
With the generosity and commitment from University of Utrecht and the invaluable collaboration of Miss Sofia Galligani, the second part of this project has been supported.
The second part cost € 1235.