Construction of an osmosis pump and four water tanks

Construction of an osmosis pump and four water tanks – territorial sustainability of rural villages with schools (known as “Aldeas Rurales Escolares”) – rural area of Gregoria Pérez de Denis (9 de Julio District, Santa Fé Province, Argentina) – Foundation Aldeas Rurales Escolares FUNDARE

Description and Purpose

FUNDARE is implementing a program that will be integrated into the village community starting at the school level.  The program includes the provision of training to the children of the villagers in technical aspects of work in vegetable gardens and poultry farms.  The program promotes the production of food with the aim of improving the quality of the diets of the children and their families.  The food production will focus on horticultural products and poultry-farm products (poultry meat and eggs).  The excess production of food will later be traded by the families participating in the program with the other villagers.

The strengthening of the dietary structure of these families as well as the introduction of cooperative practices and a “model” to be followed by other families will serve to prevent the migration of villagers toward urban areas and their resulting integration into poor urban communities.  The model established by the program includes other elements, such as the construction of homes and the training of people in various trades and crafts, which, in turn, can lead to good employment opportunities.

Specific Objectives

FUNDARE seeks help from our Foundation in gathering the funds necessary to finance the construction of an osmosis pump, including the related electric and electronic systems, as well as water tanks for four families living in the Aldea Rural Escolar “Luis Moisés Trod,” whose children attend Rural School No. 1178 “Dr. Mariano Romano.”  The osmosis pump and the water tanks are necessary to deal with a lack of low-sodium drinking water and the prolonged droughts that regularly afflict this area.  Rainwater is used for farming purposes because well water contains high levels of salt and therefore cannot be used for horticultural, farming, or drinking purposes.  FUNDARE is responsible for the sustainability of the osmosis pump and the water tanks as well as of the project in general.  The project will be implemented in two stages.


Person Responsible: Mr. Rolando González, Engineer, Vice-President of FUNDARE

Beneficiaries: families of farm workers of modest means who are virtually unemployed.  The parents are between 20 and 40 years of age and the children are of school age.  Direct beneficiaries: 25 persons as well as other villagers who will be able to ask for the supply of water.

Cost: 31,876 Argentinean pesos (€5,384); cost of the second stage: 35,864 Argentinean pesos (€6,058). Labor costs will be paid by FUNDARE. In the first stage the Solidarity Foundation has contributed only € 2,000. FUNDARE paid the remaining amount. In the second stage the Vincentrum in Arnhem contributed € 3,500 and the rest was paid by the Solidarity Foundation and Wilde Ganzen.

This project is co-financed with the help of Wilde Ganzen and