Equipment for the Home

Equipment for the Home
Fundación Sierra Dorada – Prov. de Córdoba
San Marcos Sierras dto. Cruz, northwest of the Cordoba province.

Description and Objectives

The Sierra Dorada Foundation helps children and youngsters (from newly born babies to 18 years old adolescents) who are referred to the Home by the Justice Department. These children and adolescents are given the chance of learning different skills and capacities which will enable them to prepare for a better future. The Foundation offers workshops in carpentry and hand made products. Thirty children live permanently in the house at the moment, and forty children come daily from the town to work on school homework, to learn skills and to receive nutrition. They all live in impoverished rural areas. The Fundación Solidaridad has already supported two previous projects, with very positive results.


The Home is the only one of its kind in the northwest of the Cordoba province. This region has the highest poverty rates of the province of Cordoba and the children living in a precarious situation are also numerous. At the moment it is essential to reconstruct and refurbish the kitchen and the dining room. Since the area where the Home is located is of limited rainfall, it is necessary to make a new water drainage and economizing water systems in the kitchen, especially the dishwasher.
The floor of the kitchen and the dining room are extremely worn out and the tiles are broken. It is necessary to change them in order to improve the hygiene of the place. The countertops are not made of rust-proof steel that are required by the norms for working with food, that is why they have to be replaced.


Details of the project

The Home asks for support to refurnish the kitchen and the daily dining room

•Replacement of the countertops in the kitchen by countertops of rustless steel
•Tiles for the floors of the kitchen and the dining room and paint
•New water drainage for the dishwasher
•Water taps for cold and warm water
•Specialized construction workers. the rest of the work will be done by volunteers.


Responsible person: Julio Laciar – President

Total costs: € 3.584,53 – 50% was requested to The Church of Saviour in The Hague, the rest will be financed by the Fundación Solidaridad and Wilde Ganzen