Support us

The overall objective of the Argentinean-Dutch Solidarity Foundation is to manage and provide support to social projects in Argentina. Funds for projects are raised through social and cultural events, private donations, and co-financing activities with other institutions. The foundation and all of its activities are exclusively run by volunteers.

As a recognized ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling), donations to our foundation are tax-deductible in the Netherlands, and we are exempt from inheritance and gift taxes. This ensures that your contributions go directly towards supporting the projects in Argentina.

You may help us by one of the following ways:

Donate now through a single donation via the QA code or the Donate button.

QA for donation

Sponsorkliks Action

Dear friends of the Dutch-Argentinean Foundation of Solidarity, help us to get more revenue!

With SponsorKliks you can help us support NGOs and social projects in Argentina, at no extra cost for you. Make your shopping through SponsorKliks and help others at the same time!

The more people that participate the greater the chance for the Dutch-
Argentinean Foundation of Solidarity to generate resources for its charities.

Many thanks on behalf of the Fundraising commission.
Any questions?

Thank you for your support!