Improving quality of life of young people in a situation of social vulnerability

 Untitled2Project: Improving quality of life of young people in a situation of social vulnerability.


Fundación Hogar (El Ceibo) Rafaela, Provincia de Santa Fe, República Argentina.


Description y Objectives:


Fundación “Hogar El Ceibo” is now challenged by social emergency due to the economic difficulties afflicting the Argentina. Many people leave the countryside and choose to live in the city of Rafaela in order to improve their standard of living. Due to the great migration, the public health and labour market are overwhelmed in their ability to absorb these new residents. For this reason a large group of people are living on the edge of poverty, and the level of unemployment has increased dramatically.




Fundación  “Hogar El Ceibo” seeks to give an answer to these needs. It offers a home and a better chance in life through the possibility of learning an occupation in carpentry and cooking through their workshops, assisting them in their reintegration into society. In both cases they learn practical skills which can be applied at the work market. “The Home” has 15 adolescents and adults without families who live there, and also 10 adolescents and adults who attend the “Hogar de Día” (during the day). It also gives services to a summer camp integrated attended by 120 to 150 poor children adolescents and adults, all of them related to different charity institutions in the city.


Fundación Hogar “El Ceibo” is an NGO. But in recent years, their resources have been restricted to fulfil the basic needs like food, clothing and health-care. Thus, complementary projects of maintenance and improvement have been postponed.


Fundación Hogar “The Ceibo” asks for:
1. The renovation of furniture for the bedrooms (beds, tables, light tables, wardrobes, mattresses).
2. Equipment of the carpentry workshop and kitchen (refrigerator, squaring tool, grooving machine and a kitchen stove).

The project will run for 2 months. This time will be spent on the acquisition of equipment, its installation and training of young people in their use (for wood working tools).


Responsible:  Hans Gerd Wiesner. Director Foundation Home.

Direct beneficiaries: in total 25 adolescents and adults living in the Home and coming to the day care. About 120 to 150 beneficiaries coming for the summer camp.

Indirect beneficiaries: 20 adolescents beneficiaries of the Plan for Heads of  Unemployed Household.


Costs: Acquisition of furniture and tools: Arg $ 19,889 ( €3,700)