People’s Library Sarmiento (Tandil)
The Biblioteca Popular Sarmiento (People’s Library Sarmiento) in Tandil is a civil non-profit organization. Not only does it provide services to librarians, it also provides an area to develop educational activities, to give professional technical trainings to vulnerable sectors of society, who don’t have the opportunity to receive education, leading to employment. Also, the area will be used to realize socio-cultural activities, linked to art, literature, music, theater, etc.
Conclusion of the project “Idyllic reform and commissioning of multipurpose room”
The project “Idyllic reform and commissioning of multipurpose room” that was funded by the SSNA was successfully completed in March. Within the project, the multipurpose room was enabled to carry out socio-cultural activities. In the future this space will also be rented for different social activities that will allow the Library to generate resources for its maintenance and self-support.
Initial stage of the project:
At the moment of the request, the library lacks an adequate space to provide these services. As part of this project, the existing facilities will be amplified by 20% and the library is requesting our foundation for funds, in order to realize part of the construction remodeling.
The institute has been located in the neighborhood of Villa Italia in Tandil for over 75 years. Thanks to the work of 27 volunteers and only one librarian employee, the Sarmiento Library realizes the following activities:
- Loans of bibliographical material and consults in the library
- Trainings and socio-cultural activities for inhabitants of the neighborhood
- Development of programs and projects. For example: promotion of reading for school-age children, public welfare campaigns of various topics, citizen information services, legal information services
- Photographic archive of Villa Italia, Tandil
Direct beneficiaries are about 10,000 people (60 % women and children) who mainly live in an urban zone.
Social and economic level: lower class, lower middle class, middle class and highly vulnerable sectors.
The expected results:
With the requested amount, construction work will be realized and the necessary materials will be purchased for the equipment of the new (enlarged) area, to be used during educational trainings and socio-cultural activities. Part of the equipment are a heater, iron staircases and paint.
Budget: 4200 euros (approximately, depending of the exchange rate, which is fluctuating a lot).