Reduction of acute respiratory tract infections – Program IRAB 2008
Hospital Luisa C. de Gandulfo. Pediatric Service
Lomas de Zamora, Provincia de Buenos Aires
The objective of the IRAB Programme in Buenos Aires Province is to reduce mortality due to acute respiratory tract infections in children below 2 years of age.
Preventive measures will be taken to reduce hospitalization of children suffering from these illnesses. By providing treatment, contamination of other vulnerable children will be prevented.
The Program invites all children under 2 years of age to a respiratory health check every year between May and September.
During this period, an average of 200 children are seen per day. The Pediatric Service lacks oximeters, and does not have enough otoscopes, laryngoscopes and scales.
The oximeters allow diagnosis in sick children without having to take blood samples.
Moreover, the test results are more efficient and precise. Of the children in this region, 45% live below the poverty threshold.
Specific Objectives
– Raising awareness within the communities about these preventive measures and of the signals of respiratory tract infections in small children.
– Improve the community’s access to health services.
– Increase staff’s skills in recognising and treating respiratory tract infections.
– Prevention of complications in chronic respiratory tract infections and reduction of acute respiratory tract infections.- Reduce unnecessary hospitalization of patients.
Doctor Máxima González Miño (Head of Pedriatric Services) and Doctor Mirta Fernández (Epidemiology )
The direct beneficiaries of the project, according to statistics, are: 5.066 ambulatory patients and 246 hospitalized patients, of which 48 % are girls. The majority of patients are from urban areas.
: 5 oximeters, 4 otoscopes, 1 laringoscope and 3 scales for babies. Total : 27.627.00 pesos = € 5.900