Safe electricity for the rural school Tatutí
Colonia Oficial nro 17 – Departamento Federación – Provincia de Entre Ríos
Description and objectives:
The rural school of Tatutí, is located at 40 km of the nearest city (Chajarí), limiting north with the Mocoretá river. 26 students attend this school, they are between 6 and 17 years old. The school is managed with the help of the teachers and the voluntary participation of the parents. The beneficiaries come all from rural areas at poverty levels.
The school was founded 30 years ago, the electrical system was done 15 years ago. This installation has been deteriorated with time, and at the moment the conditions are of high risk for the children.
The school asks for aid for the purchase of materials, the work itself will be done by volunteers. The project will last 2 months.
Responsible: Marcelo Leonardelli
Direct beneficiaries: 26 students between 6 and 17 years old, their relatives and volunteers.
Costs: acquisition of materials: $Arg 3150 (€ 600)