The School Renews its Energy

Organnization: Foundation Ruta 40 – School nr. 158

Place: Rural School nr. 158 — Paraje Corralito, Río Negro


212 (1) 241 (1) Esc 158, Corralito, Neuquen (1) IMG_0152 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Ubicacion de la Esc. 158, Corralito dentros del mapa argentino

Rural School nr .158 boards children who live in places that lack transportation. The children belong to the Mapuche ethnic group and have no other access to education.


The school only has access to electricity from 7 pm until 12 pm, because the gas generator can only run in the evening and the existing solar panels have limited capacity.


The general objective is to supply the boarding school with low cost solar energy to enable the use of technological and pedagogical tools during school hours. Materials will be bought and teachers and technical staff need to be trained to ensure the maintenance of this system.


Beneficiaries: 43 students (of which 15 live there from Monday till Friday) and 12 employees of the school.


Costs: $ arg 30,920  (according to the exchange rate at that moment € 4.524)