Warmth for the home
Fundación Sierra Dorada – Prov. de Córdoba
San Marcos Sierras dto. Cruz del eje Noroeste de la provincia de Córdoba
Description and Objectives
The Sierra Dorada Foundation helps children and youngsters (from newly born babies to 18 years old adolescents) who are referred to the Home by the Justice Department. These children and adolescents are given the chance of learning different skills and capacities which will enable them to get jobs and become positive members of their society.The Foundation offers workshops in carpentry and hand made products. Thirty children live permanently at this moment in the house, and 15 children from the town come daily to complete school homework. 80% come from rural areas.
As the house does not have a gas heating system it is very difficult to create a reasonably warm environment during the winter months. At this moment they are using wood, which affects the environmental balance of the forests and provides a really poor heating system.
The project consists of installing a gas distributor (a Zeppelin ) with a concrete base, supported by a security system. After this is achieved, gas pipes will be installed underground and over the ground. Finally heaters following the security regulations, including escape alarms and ventilation valves will be installed.
The gas heating system will help to reach the following objectives:
- reduce the quantity of ill children and adolescents during Autumn and Winter, (chest and respiratory problems and flu)
- improve the learning capacities of the children due to, a) improving presence at school and b) improving the level of concentration and learning.
Avoid deforestation (environmental advantage) and move into a more secure system, with a better management of the resources.
The request includes: pipe for the construction of the gas net and preparation and installation of a Zeppelin (recipient for gas-bag in metal).
Responsible: Julio Laciar – President
Total costs: €1.565