Perforation to provide water for Workshop School that helps poor children, mothers and adolescents
Taller-Escuela San Jorge
La Providencia GARIN
Province of Buenos Aires
Description and objectives:
The Workshop School San Jorge receives daily 50/70 children, adolescents and their mothers. They come from poor families, below the levels of poverty, many of then living in the street. This Workshop offers a place of containment and learning. The children and adolescents are between 4 and 20 years. The workshops teach cooking, school support, preparation and maintenances of a vegetable garden, sewing, weaving, making toys, classes of music and art, handicrafts (wood, painting, modelling), making and selling artisan soap, recycling newspapers and magazines by manufacturing bags that are being sold to different shops. The beneficiaries also receive a meal during their stay at the Workshop School.
The Workshop School receives only monthly contributions of associates and the profit coming from the sale of products made by the beneficiaries. The food is donated. It is a civil organization for charity. All the activities are done mainly by volunteers.
The Workshop School requests to build a water well perforation for water to be given to the children, mothers and adolescents beneficiaries. Presently they must transport the necessary water for multiple uses in a very arduous form. The Perforation will be made at the required distance in the area, in order to obtain potable water for human use. The project will take place in the North Zone of Great Buenos Aires, 50 km from the city of Buenos Aires and 3 km of the city of Garin (zone of precarious establishments). The project will last 10 days. In this zone there is no access to drinkable water.
Responsible: M.Celina Alcaide (Tesorera )
Direct beneficiaries: entre 50 y 70 niños, adolescentes y sus madres provenientes de grupos marginados de alta pobreza.Between 50 and 70 children, adolescents and their mothers, of very poor marginalized groups.
Costs: water well perforation, and installation € 1,020.